Monday, April 7, 2008

Elliot Ratzman

I really liked how down to earth this speaker and the topic were. It was very refreshing to hear a proponent of inding an organization that you care about, and working with them to make contributions. This would msocial action talk to you who understands the common trials and tribulations of giving back. I like how he proposed a fake it worthwhile to some people who are otherwise cautious to donate time and money. Identifying with who you’re giving valuable resources to would definitely make giving back much more meaningful. Mr. Ratzman also reminded us that this plight is not nearly limited to Jews, but Jews approach social action differently than other religions. It has balance and a sense of realism that is not found in other faiths. The point he made that really hit close to home was the fact that peoples lives could be saved if more attention was paid to Tikun Olam. But that just goes to show the power social action could have if more effort and initiative was taken towards charitable causes.

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