Monday, May 26, 2008

Eric McBride Response for Dr. Nemeth

I found that Dr. Nemeth's presentation was an interesting and thought provoking. I have not taken a psychology class since freshman year, but her ideas about attachment theory and religious background seem to make sense. When one has a strong religious foundation, it can help that person in various aspects of life. Also, it is clear that stable parental relationship has a direct correlation with well-being. As Heather pointed out, it is interesting that the more decisive relationship for stability is father-daughter. In future study, I think it would be useful to also focus on alternative style households such as single-parent, same-sex couples, or extended families and see if a similar relationship exists and is relevant. While there were some limitations, I am glad that Dr. Nemeth shared the entire research process with us and asked for our feedback. While she examined Jewish religious identity, I think a good place for further analysis would be Jewish social identity and well-being. Judaism is such a community-oriented religion and there are so many different social inputs from summer camp to book groups to J-Date. I thought the lecture was appropriate and a good way to wrap-up the semester.

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