Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Laura Levitt

Laura Levitt’s lecture put a heavy emphasis of understanding the Holocaust as a collection of many tales rather than one uniform story. This idea is compelling in that when you think of the Holocaust you tend to think of the struggle of the Jewish people as a whole. But, thinking about the personal struggle of a family really puts a relatable emphasis on their experiences. She said to relate this to our own family and our own personable experiences, but I’m not sure what she meant it. If it’s comparing what our families have gone through and those that experienced the Holocaust, it’s a very striking point that can really put things in perspective. Personally, my family has experience nothing on that caliber, but I’m sure analyzing you families past can give someone new direction and inspiration for the future. I did not really follow the rest of her lecture. Her stories about her family were interesting, but seemed out of place in the overall theme.

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