Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Asaf Romirowsky

thought Asaf Romirowsky’s talk on the relationship between Israel and the Palestinian Authority was extremely interesting. I had always believed that the Palestinians were just one united front. I was unaware that the West Bank is made up mostly of people from Jordan, with Gaza including mostly people from Egypt. There is no intermarriage between these two groups. People from the West Bank believe that their Arabic is more polished then is the Arabic spoken in Gaza. The talk of them being one cohesive unit is the work of Arafat. Romirowsky explained that Hamas is not seen as a terrorist group there, because they supply services to Palestinians which were previously not provided by the Palestinian Authority. This is the reason for their unwavering support. They also jointly hate America and Israel, because both are seen as trying to destroy the Muslim world. Numerous conspiracy theories exist of how both seek to do so. He also said that he does not believe the idea of a two state solution is viable. Romirowsky said that it will have to be a three state solution: Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. His talk was informative and fascinating.

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